
Price Graph Redesign

Price transparency has always been integral to TrueCar's success. The redesigned price graph aimed to help consumers visualize complex data in an understandable way so they could confidently make informed decisions about their next car purchase. This significant evolution of TrueCar’s price rating system aided in consumer empowerment and enhanced our trustworthiness.



The existing TrueCar pricing graph depicted a bell curve, but that does not accurately represent inventory price trends. Additionally, little information was provided to the consumer about whether or not the price being shown is good.


My Role

As the Lead Designer on this effort, I worked closely with our Product Director to create multiple iterations, edge case designs, color and pricing badge/label explorations & testing, final asset creation, and annotations that included suggested micro interactions and final copy.

Design Solution

The solution was an integrated pricing and badging system that spanned the entire experience from pre-prospect to post-prospect, new and used. We created four price "buckets", pairing color with labels and symbols. We used friendly copy to explain why prices were "great" or "fair". We provided clear, actionable next steps and contextually relevant data (past 30 days, local transactions) to provide more value to the consumer.



While we're seeing positive results from our redesigned pricing story with higher engagement and greater conversion rates, there is still work to be done.

Accessibility has become increasingly important to us, and while our price graph is compliant in some ways, we could take a closer look at color and text size. 

I'd also like to conduct usability testing with our live price graph. There are so many edge cases that can affect the way the data is displayed, so I believe it's important to capture some of the pain points associated with cases we may not have been able to account for during the design phase.

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